December 1997

Letters To The Editor:

Date: 97-11-30 
May the Minister have a successful trip abroad! 

Dear NOI, 

I would like to say that I and other Americans (black, white, brown,yellow and otherwise!) appreciate [Minister Farrakhan's] efforts very much and pray for his success in his middle east trip and the Nation of Islam! (Saw him on CNN today-always a pleasure!) 

Sincerely in peace, 

Lozang Trinlae
Buddhist Nun

Date: 97-11-30 
Your Interview on Fox News Network on Sunday 

Minister Farrakhan, I just wanted to let you know that, while I am not a convert to Islam, I have the utmost respect for the Muslim religion and its teachings (my husband and I lived in Saudi Arabia for 5 years). 

Both of us admire you, your integrity, and your ability to not let your words be twisted by the media -- also your ability to make those that would be your enemies "think" about past wrongdoings. For instance, your recent interview when you were asked about Iraqs purported inhumanities, and your reply that Americas hands aren't clean either. 

Additionally, prior to your actual interview, the newscaster, in attempting to publicize the upcoming interview, commented how he was going to ask if whites could become members of the NOI. I think your answer was excellent without giving him ammunition to turn your words around or misconstrue their meaning. 

We'll be praying for you in your upcoming trip to 50 countries. 

Bill & Juanita Lewis 

Date: 97-12-02  
Minister Farrakhan on CNN 

I am a white male,yet am very interested in Minister Farrakhan. Saw him on CNN this week. He was brilliant as ever. I really wish the white pundits would study the history of colonialism before they opened their mouths. They don't have a clue. ASALAAMALAIKUM. 

Allen Holden, Baltimore Md. 

Date: 97-12-02 
Message to Reverend Louis Farrakhan 

Just yesterday I watched a re-broadcast of the Reverend's speech at Unity Church. 

This was my first real opportunity to listen to the Reverend. 

I just wanted to pass on a few good words. 

Minister Farrakhan speaks a solidly good and holy message to people of all color, creed, race, background, etc. 

The problem with our country is that there are too few people around who think and act as Minister Farrakhan does. If the real leaders of our country would think and act more like Minister Farrakhan we would all be better off. 

My best wishes to Minister Farrakhan as he sets out on his world tour. 


Ps. - I am a middle income married white man with 3 kids living in a suburb of Minneapolis. I may never be in a position to fully appreciate the black experience in this country. However this fact does not prevent me from fully appreciating the good sense, positive, and holy message that Reverend Farrakhan seeks to spread throughout the world. 

Have a fruitful trip overseas Reverend. Peace and wellness to you! 

Scott E. 

Date: 97-12-08 
I am impressed 

I am a college student at Central Michigan University and a member of the Nation of Islam. As usual, I am always impressed with the work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that he does. He has enabled me to do the same. I saw the Novak and Evans show on television on Nov. 29 and was pleased. 
Ramadan Mubarak. As-Salaam Alaikum 

Delano Muhammad 
Central Michigan University 

Date: 97-12-09 12:45:45 

I'm not a religious person. But let me tell you. The Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is a great leader for the whole world..... 

Honest men like him is what we need in this world. 

Richard Clear 

Date: 97-12-09 16:30:34 
Blessings from Oakland 

As-Salaam Alaikum 

Dear Minister Farrakhan 

We, at Mosque #26B in Oakland, wish you and the delegation a safe and successful trip. Our prayers are with you. 

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. We look forward to giving you a wonderful Saviours Day on your return. May Allah bless us all while you are away. 

Keith Muhammad 
Oakland, Ca. 

Date: 97-11-30

Min.Farrakhan I wish you well on your Friendship Tour.  May Allah's protection be with you all.  Thank you for your message of peace and good will. May Allah bless you peacemaker. 

Jacqueline Y. Henshaw

Date: 97-12-12 00:46:53 EST 
Minister Farrakhan-Iraq 

Dear Minister Farrakhan, 

You are doing incredible work.  My prayers are with you. Your mission in Iraq is really necessary.  The real story needs to be told-loud and clear-about the suffering the poor in Iraq have undergone because of our embargo on our brothers. 


I am a white male from Massachusetts-and send my love, prayers, and energy to you. We are all one. 


  Date: 97-12-12 01:25:10 EST 
a concerned human ? 

I think you all are a bunch  of egotistical, hot-headed, backward, living -in-the-past!  LIVE IN THE PRESENT! QUIT YOUR WHINNING! 

a concerned human 

  Date: 97-12-12 03:34:55 EST 
Peace to You! 

As a white male Christian, I reach out to you in peace.  May all God's people realize His Glory and worship him in eternity. 

Peace, Mercy and Love to you in the name of Jesus Christ 


  Date: 97-12-12 06:01:44 EST 

I have listened to [Minister Farrakhan] for a while, and found that he, and all your beliefs are Racist.  You are nothing but a bunch of Racist's. 

Blaming Whitey for your ills would be like whitey blaming you for thiers. 

Congradulations on being the downfall of your race.  Racism is on your part, not ours. 

Patrick M. Johnson 

  Date: 97-12-12 22:10:33 EST 
World Friendship Tour Feedback 

I am so grateful that you are here.  Min. Farrakhan is a light in the world.  I thank God for him and the wisdom that he has been blessed with and that imparts to the world.  I pray that God will grant him a safe journey and continue to be with him as he travels. 

Beverly Herbert

Date: 97-12-14 19:19:54 EST 
May Allah Bless Minister Farrakhan 

I hope and pray that Minister Farrakhan stays safe on his 50 nation world friedship tour.  There are many people out there that would like to see otherwise but my family and I are keeping the faith. Keep up the excellent work of informing us of what's going on.  The white media has a block-out of his tour which is probably good.  They would never report it accurately anyway. 

Dontreese McRae

Date: 97-12-14 

One of my interests is the observation and correlation of prophecy with sociopolitical events or personalities. If such a match is made, I interpret this to mean that matched quotes indicate an agenda.

Philip Henika

HIS QUOTE: "There is a river that the West depends upon which the kings of the East can dry up," he said.

Revelation 16:12 [Jerusalem Bible]: "The sixth angel emptied his bowl over the great river Euphrates; all the water was dried up so that a way was made for the [Parthian]kings of the East to come in."

I think Louis Farrakhan wants to unite the Islamic countries.

I also think that this verifies that correlations between prophecy and sociopolitical events is a relevant pursuit for this time in history

Date: 97-12-14
In support of your cause 

Though I do not support Mr. Farrakhan 100 percent, I do agree with him in many a way. His causes are very important to America as a whole. I wish he got more coverage by the media. I also think he is very important to the society.


Sonny Reddy

Date: 97-12-15  
World Friendship Tour Feedback

Despite the media's branding of Minister Farrakhan as a heretic, I find nothing but truth and wisdom in lots of what he says, particularly with regard to US foreign policy(Israel, Iraq, Libya). Thank you Mr. Farrakhan, at least someone has the nerve to say what a lot of people feel is true, black or white, Christian etc.

Paula Prlina Sognes


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